“Kunst, Besessenheit und blöde Sprüche”, Rumpsti Pumsti, Berlin 2014 1st Polish Biennale Aarhus, 2013 Found playing cards at BABS, London Poster for Double Visions, 2007, first exhibition at BABS, London, Dieter Roth Academy show, Hjaltari, 2011 Dieter Roth Academy meeting, Aarhus, 2012 Aarhus, 2013 Poster for Lupin Coffee action, Berlin, 2011 Dieter Roth Academy, Mosfellsbaer, 2002. Left Jan Voss, right Malcolm Green’s “Milking the Diary” etc. Poster for DRA meeting in 2004 at Lübeck Four giant banners! Emerson Gallery, Berlin, 2009 A selection from The Invisible Hamlet at Freehome, berlin, 2018 Two of the Glorreiche Siebe at the Rumpsti Pumsti Show….